Thursday, May 17, 2012



First off, LPEP(Lasallian Personal Effectiveness Program) is kinda like the orientation for the incoming froshies of DLSU. It happened earlier this week, on Monday(Day 1) and Tuesday(Day 2). Hard to believe but I was actually excited for it. Usually I should've been all nerves and whatnot but yeah. 

Thank goodness my younger sis' LPEP happened before mine :) I get to have pointers! And be oriented for the.. orientation. She's also an incoming frosh, and it's because when I was in grade school and she in Kindergarten, she was accelerated. So yeah, we went to the same high school and now same university. Anyway, I followed her instructions(which she probably wouldn't have given if I hadn't nagged her constantly) -- went in through Gate 2, walked straight ahead, turned left when I saw the potted plants(which is a landmark for the dead end), and registered. She said there'd be people holding up signs of different blocks(like, Block 1, and so on) and I should go to the place designated for my block, but when I arrived at the amphitheater people were already going up the elevators and I didn't see a sign for Block 25. Probably because I arrived barely before 8:00AM, the end of the registration. Ohnoesss!! So I asked this (cute) guy where Block 25's supposed to be, and he said to just sit wherever. I probably would've made more friends if I came in earlier when there was still the Block 25 sign and sat at the designated place, but then my current super buddies probably wouldn't have been my super buddies if I weren't late, so, no regrets! :)

So then we were herded to the auditorium, listened to speeches of the Vice Chancellor, etc(end of thinking capacity), then my block was led to St. Joseph Hall then did things I can't remember anymore(but I do remember the getting to know activity! So freaking fun! But was cut short. Sad face.) We were also given free food, etc. 

Day 2 was way more fun! Got to talk to more blockmates, we were all taught the Cenennial dance, watched the performances of some orgs, realized my 2 buddies had talents unlike moi, wondered why I have two left feet and why the heck I ain't pretty at all, wondered why I have to be so freaking thin, was led together with my other incoming froshies to the amphitheather(where we walked in this path and on either side were students outlining it and handing out giveaways so pretty soon my hands were full! And many still kept coming...), watched a performance(including but not limited to the cheerleading squad), then people danced the Centennial dance, the froshies were encouraged to dance by their LAMBs but only some did, one of my buddies and I escaped to the CR and did a quick dance there WHICH WAS HILARIOUS AND FUN AND COOL 'CAUSE WE'RE JUST THAT ;) After that we went home. Haha.

Of course I didn't take pictures during LPEP 'cause that would just be plain weird. But here are the freebies I got:
Our group won this! Yay us! Even though I don't knwo what I'm gonna use this for. Winning is still cool.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Good to be back! 

So, first things first. I've already graduated from SPCP as a high school student! How cool is that? Actually I've been a graduate for quite some time now, since graduation was on March 20 and it's already April 20. Huh, what a coincidence! Exactly 1 month!

Then we had our "graduation ball" the following day, which was held in Marriott Hotel, specifically in the ballroom. (It's really just an excuse for bitches to show off their gowns and for average people like me to be out of our comfort zones.)

My shoes :) Btw, they're fake. Just so you know.

Before make-up. Pardon the face.

After make-up.

They look delicious, but beware, they're actually not that yummy. The potatoes were bland, the lasagna had too much freaking meat on it and minimum cheese (oh, the horror!) The soup was good though.

I forgot what this is, but this tasted grrrrreat!

Keyt, me, Anita

With my best friends. You know what they say, birds of the same feather flock together. L-R: Mericar, Sheillo, Cecile, isa, me. (Not taken: Leo)

iPhone in hand, she completes the businesswoman-having-a-night-out look. Loljk. I always tease her on her iPhone simply because I want one haha. Seriously though, raise your hand if you think she's well on her way on being a businesswoman.

You can never go wrong with a wacky picture.

With Eunice. She's also a really close friend. You can count on her on anything :)

Ugh, gums.

My sister took this photo so I had no idea they served this :( I was too busy dancing haha.

Kitty! She's a cool kid. 

I look bored here...

The music playing was "Like A G6", and my class number since 3rd year high school was 6. Not to mistake with the boys, hence the G(as in girl). G6. Then I did this, and a friend helped out with the G. :D

Again, I look bored and seems I'm not having fun.

With one of my best friends, Isabela!! Love this girl so much. We've been friends for 4 years.

With Mika. She and I, we're long-lost twins. Kidding, obviously.

With Abby. She's currently in US, and I think it's for good, although of course she's gonna come back here for vacation probably.

With Angela. I'll be forever grateful to her for introducing me to James Patterson's Maximum ride series <3

Friday, January 6, 2012


A story of how heels (mixed with your own carelessness) can be dangerous...

Today was the first day us female Seniors were to wear our black should-not-be-equal-to-3-inches heels and it did not go well. For me, at least.

My sister and I always go to school together unless one of us is absent, and today my younger sis was absent. My dad drove me to school and I really wanted him to park inside the school, but as usual it was traffic outside and there was a lane for cars who wanted to go inside. needless to say, it was long. 

There were only like 10-15 minutes before the start of school so there's not a chance I was getting dropped off at school. Haha. Who am I kidding? My dad always(with the exception of field trips) drops us off in front, not inside, nor outside of the school. In front of. So we have to cross the street to get to school. So I did, and then when I was very very close to crossing the street, I saw a classmate and I am so filled with relief  'cause that means I don't have to go in school alone, wearing heels. She was alone too, so at least we've got each other for support, both figuratively and literally. At least when people look, thinking "Hudas dis bitch think she iz, wearing heels?!" it'll be at the both of us, not only me. So I walk a little faster and all of a sudden I was flying. 

 Well, for like a nanosecond or millisecond or whatever. I. FREAKING. TRIPPED. I immediately got back on my feet really quick and then only when I stood up did I feel the pain. EVERYTHING--EVERY BONE, MUSCLE, TISSUE--IN MY BODY ACHED. My classmate and friend was of course shocked but came to my rescue. I was bringing a shoulder bag, folder, a small bag for my slippers(for when I have to walk home because our house is a walking distance from the entrance of where we live) and my tumbler. So many things, right? She offered to carry my tumbler and other things that seemed insignificant at the time. She asked me if I was okay and I think I either nodded or said yes. I felt numb but painful at the same time. Either way, she asked me if I was sure that I'm okay and then I realized WTF I AM NOT OKAY so I said, "I'm not okay." I really was not. I wanted to just cry. It hurt so much. When we got inside school, the clinic was closed (you must be kidding me) and so I had to wait until break to get my wounds Betadine-d. Even then, every inch of my body still felt sore and aching(actually even now as I type.)

Thank goodness there were only a few people there but there's a car beside me so that added to the embarrassment. The ones in the car must have been shocked as heck and thought, "Dis bitch tripped?! What student trips?!" Well at least if they knew I was wearing heels that may be the explanation for them.  But really, it's not because of the heels. THEY WERE TWO-FREAKING-INCHES, FOR PETE'S SAKE. WHO TRIPS IN 2-INCH HEELS?! Aside from me? Because I really felt like I slipped on a string/line/rope whatever. I'm not saying I'm an expert in walking in heels (I'm not) but I wouldn't trip on the street wearing 2-inch heels! Even if I was walking a bit faster because of excitement and relief! Because I have to say, it's easier walking on the street or road rather than on school where almost every floor is freaking tiled. It's less slippery. 

Nothing could have ever prepared me for that. Stupid string/line/rope that tripped me. I wasn't able to find out because I didn't wanna look back. Literally. Too embarrassing to do so. I'm too much in a physical pain right now, even after 7-8 hours--not the best time to be accurate with my math--to say those cliches about standing up when you fall, not looking back and all that stuff.

So yeah, I don't know what tripped me but I'm sure as heck it's not me. I did not trip because of myself and it was not my own fault. That's not sarcastic, btw. Even if I did walk a bit faster, I am pretty dang sure I made tiny baby steps. I was shuffling(do not think of the song) my feet. Although, I admit I wasn't looking at the road when I started to walk towards my classmate, because obviously I was looking at her. And the result? NINE cuts/bruises/wounds/scratches in 5 different locations. Two scratches on my right elbow, a wound on my right hand, a bruise on my right hipbone, a big wound on my left knee, three small scratches+bruises on my left knee too, and a scratch on my left leg. YEP. IT WAS THAT BAD. 

Will post pics later. Lol. Omg, I still can't believe it. Today was such a traumatic experience. I keep thinking about the what ifs. What if my dad just waited to park inside school? What if there wasn't a rope/string/line? What if my sister continued on with her desire to go to school today? What if I didn't see my classmate? Would I have tripped? But you know, I can't really just dwell on that since ME TRIPPING IN TWO-INCH HEELS (can't get over how embarrassing and ridiculous that sounds) HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. 

But still, on the bright side, there's my classmate. I was really thankful for her for helping me, you know. She's probably one of the best persons you could ever hope to be there when that happened. It's nice to know you've got someone you can lean on. Figuratively and literally.