Haha. What a coincidence! Well, actually no, erase that--I decided recently I don't believe in coincidences(hey, come to think of it.. everything happens for a reason). I'll tel you why: I asked the author of Infinite Days, Ms. Rebecca Maizel, what the colors of Lenah and Justin's hair were(via Twitter) and that was Sept. 6... or 7, not sure. Then I just found out recently she's having a contest--you just have to cast Infinite Days! Huh, how awesome is that? I mean, look/search/read this post. It's about the books I wanna be turned into movies(yes, Infinite Days included!) and the people whom I wanna be the main character/s.
Seriously. Things do happen for a reason; I asked the author that question, the color of Lenah and Justin's hair, because I was mentally casting actors! *giggles* But, in the mentioned post I haven't thought of anyone for Infinite Days. So now here's what I think...
For Rhode:
unknown age, could be 17, could be 25. Brunette almost black hair, the bluest eyes you've ever seen. Six foot or taller. At one time a knight with the Order of the Garter. Excellent swordsman, willing to die for Lenah.
Chris Pine

Oh yeah. Blue eyes and brunette hair are there. Actually what I had in mind was a breathtaking sapphire color sort of eyes, but I've yet to see a person with those color of eyes(actually, my birthstone is sapphire).
He's cute, right? Haha. I loved him in the Princess Diaries 2! (Though no one could beat Mia+that guy she kissed in the ending in Princess Diaries).
For Vicken:
Scottish bad boy. 19 was once a soldier, brown eyes incredible fighter, better with knives than swords. Leader of Lenah's coven. Strong jaw and lean. Not bulky.
Wait! I have two choices!
Josh Hartnett

I also have Justin Gaston in mind
(he's the guy in Taylor Swift's Love Story music video). Btw, it's hard to Google a decent picture of him a.) without Miley Cyrus beside him b.)not posing for an underwear ad, lol--oh wait I just found out he's an underwear model... hmm, that explains why.

My most hated character in the book is(yeah, up to now) Vicken. I didn't see what Lenah saw in him. Is it just me? haha.
For Justin:
Blonde, tall, adrenaline junkie. Strong features, slim nose, athlete body. Can be reckless and have trouble with authority. A go getter with a danger streak. He's handsome but that's obvious, he's also caring and passionate.
Lucas Till

He may not have exactly a slim nose, but I really like him for the part of Justin.
For Lenah:
16, brunette long hair that falls well past her chest. Blue eyes but nowhere as blue as Rhode's. 5'7 thin but not too waifish - meat on the bones. When she was a vampire she would easily have killed you. Excellent sword fighter. Afterall she learned from Rhode and Vicken. She is British and her vampire aura makes her mysterious.
I have also two choices here
the first one is Kaya Scodelario:

and the other one is Lily Collins(she could use blue contact lenses!!!!)

I think both of them are seriously pretty. And, Lily is a British/American actress, which is perfect because Lenah is British! To be fair, Kaya's dad is English, so it's all good :)
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