From now on I'll make a TGIF post every Friday, of course. Oh btw I haven't eaten at TGIFriday's. Ever since. And now I want to.

So this week--oh wait, actually--the past few days, I started watching Skins(well, only Effy's episodes. I realized that not because an episode is named after a character doesn't mean that character will only be in that episode. Basically all I've watched is 1x01 then I stopped halfway because Effy's not there and I have already decided she's my fave character there. So I skipped to 1x07 then 2x08... and now I'm downloading 3x01.)
Some scenes were not appropriate for young children but I'm 15 so whatever. I was thinking about how young Kaya Scodelario was that time. I mean, fourteen and already smoking, getting stoned(1x07, with Spencer in the bus).. and too much kissing! I mean, if she's my daughter I won't let her join the cast. My point is, if I were Kaya, I wouldn't join Skins because I think it's a bad influence.

Don't know. Maybe that's just for a photoshoot or whatever. Oh heck. Let her be, it's not my life.
ETA: Just finished 3x01. What the heck's wrong with Effy? Dude, she's almost like a slut. Okay, new fave character is Freddie.
Btw, the girl in that video's dating Adam Levine, according to the awesome www. When I first saw the video I was excited because it had no music video back then when I first heard the song, but soon I was like WTFISTHIS???!!!
MGMT-The Handshake | one of my fave MGMT songs :)
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